Use PhoneHub to get a dedicated work telephone number

Use this app for a dedicated work telephone number

If your work telephone number is your personal cell phone number, we're going to have to fix that. Immediately.   Using a free app like PhoneHub means you can have a dedicated business phone number to hand out to customers, clients, and colleagues anytime at all. Since all your calls and texts stay within the PhoneHub app, you can keep your business communications separate and never have to worry about getting work calls on your personal number.   You

Using PhoneHub is a great way to stretch a small business budget.

Five small business budget hacks

Running a small business comes with its own set of challenges, and managing the budget efficiently is crucial for long-term success. One area where small businesses can make a significant impact on their bottom line is by cutting down on

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Get organized with smarter business phone numbers

When you’re starting a new business, things can escalate quickly — and while what’s actually a sign you’re doing well, it can feel a little overwhelming.   Few entrepreneurs start a business armed with all of the knowledge (and tools)

Photo by Dan Dennis on Unsplash

No, your business doesn’t need a landline

Despite the fact that many households have already said sayonara to their landlines long ago — seriously, who needs to pay $100+ a month just for telemarketers to disturb your dinner? — it can be trickier to say good-bye to